US Tibet Lobby Day – Students for a Free Tibet
Transforming our world
through nonviolent action
Events    US Tibet Lobby Day

US Tibet Lobby Day

Mon, Mar 23, 2020 – Mon, Mar 24, 2025
Capitol Hill

This year, Tibetan-Americans and friends of Tibet from around the US will come to Washington, DC for the twelfth annual Tibet Lobby Day on March 23 and 24.

The success of Tibet Lobby Day depends on the participation and efforts of Tibet supporters like you. It is your opportunity to communicate directly with your elected representatives and let them know that they have constituents who care deeply about Tibet. This opportunity is particularly important in this time of change among our elected representatives on Capitol Hill.

The US Congress has long been a bulwark of support for Tibet, from giving His Holiness the Dalai Lama his first parliamentary forum in 1987, to millions of dollars in Tibet support programs every year. But it is of vital importance that we continue to remind our Members of Congress of their longstanding commitment to Tibet. Faced with the well-funded lobbying might of the Chinese Embassy, it is critical that we speak out to let our elected representatives know of the breadth and depth of support for the cause of Tibet amongst their constituents and ensure that Tibet continues to remain on their legislative agendas.

This event is a collaboration of Tibet Support Groups and Tibetan Associations in the United States. There will be a training session, and it is recommended that first-time participants, in particular, attend. The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) will help set up meetings for all participants with their Members of Congress.


Register today!


Day 1: Tibetan Youth Summit
Hosted by AU Friends of Tibet
What: Speakers, panel discussion and interactive lobbying training geared specifically towards students and young people
Date: Saturday, 3/21/2020
Location: American University (4400 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, D.C.)

Day 2: Lobby Training
Hosted by ICT
What: Introduction to Tibet Lobby Day 2020 and lobbying training
Date: Sunday, 3/22/2020
Location: ICT Office (1825 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, D.C.)

Days 3 + 4: Tibet Lobby Day 2020
What: Lobbying for Tibet
Date: Monday and Tuesday, 3/23/2020 – 3/24/2020
Location: US Capitol Hill
Registration link: