Stand With Us On Stopping Thermo Fisher! – Students for a Free Tibet
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Stand With Us On Stopping Thermo Fisher!

November 3, 2022

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We are calling on Tibet supporters around the world to take one simple action right now to stand with Tibet!

Recently, Human Rights Watch and Citizens Lab have reported that the Chinese government has launched a full-scale campaign of biometric repression against Tibetans. The Chinese government has collected DNA samples from up to one-third of the population of Tibetans living under Chinese occupation in the so-called Tibetan Autonomous Region. This includes monks, nuns, nomads, families, and children as young as five years old. Thermo Fisher Scientific, an American manufacturing company, has been supplying the Chinese police with the technology and even DNA kits used to steal DNA from innocent Tibetans

Thermo Fisher Scientific has a responsibility to its shareholders and the wider international community to conduct proper due diligence and ensure that the company’s products are not used for repression. In the case of Tibet, Thermo Fisher has completely failed its responsibilities. It is our job to hold the company accountable! Join the campaign by signing the petition. 

Signing the petition only takes 30 seconds. Will you take a stand with us to call on Thermo Fisher to STOP helping China steal Tibetan DNA?