Latest – Page 30 – Students for a Free Tibet
Transforming our world
through nonviolent action
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Last night, we found out that Tashi Wangchuk received a sentence of five years in prison on charges of “inciting separatism”. His crime: advocating for the protection of Tibetan language. Regardless of China’s obligations to protect the Tibetan language under their own constitution,...

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After over two years of arbitrary detention by Chinese authorities for his language advocacy, Tibetan shopkeeper Tashi Wangchuk has received a verdict of five years of imprisonment on trumped-up charges of “inciting separatism.” This kind of heavy-handed response is typical of an...

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30 Tibetans were detained and in early April after opposing plans to mine Sebtra Zagyen, a sacred mountain in Shakchu (Ch: Shaqu) Town in Diru (Ch: Biru) County, Nagchu (Ch: Naqu) Prefecture. According to reports by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights...

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We are pulling out all the stops for the immediate release of Tashi Wangchuk. Tashi Wangchuk is a language advocate who was detained for bringing China to court over its failure to protect Tibetan language. On April 14 last month, we protested at the Chinese mission to...

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On the 29th birthday of the 11th Panchen Lama of Tibet – Gendun Choekyi Nyima – Students For a Free Tibet and the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery are attempting to set a new Guinness World Record for “The Most Candles Lit on a...

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Tibet campaigners received news today of the release of high-profile political prisoner Shokjang (Druklo). [1] In February 2016, Shokjang was wrongfully sentenced to three years in prison on charges  of “inciting separatism” and “disturbing social stability” [2] following his arrest on 19 March...

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