Our Work – Students for a Free Tibet
Transforming our world
through nonviolent action
Our Work

Participate in SFT’s hard-hitting campaigns to free political prisoners, stop China’s destructive infrastructure projects in Tibet, and get government leaders worldwide to take action for Tibet. Together we can raise the stakes of occupying Tibet for the Chinese government, until Tibet is free.


There are currently over 5,600 known Tibetan political prisoners. As Tibetans continue to fight for the preservation of their language, religion, and culture, the CCP retains its oppressive grasp over Tibetans through torture, surveillance, and intimidation. The Panchen Lama, Go Sherab Gyatso, A-Nya Sengdra, and Dorje Tashi’s stories serve as reminders of Tibetan strength and resistance in their struggle for freedom. Take action NOW to free these political prisoners!

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On July 12, 2024, President Joe Biden signed into law S. 138, the “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet China Conflict Act.” After months of campaigning, lobbying, and hard-hitting advocacy by Tibet activists and friends of Tibet, coordinated by the Office of Tibet and @savetibetorg, the US government has committed to supporting the Tibetan people’s right to self-determination and reaffirms the indelible historical truth that Tibet was never a part of China.

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Campaign WIN: On 5 September 2022, Human Rights Watch released a report titled China: New Evidence of Mass DNA Collection in Tibet. The report states that children as young as five years old in Tibet are included in the DNA collection drive that fundamentally violates basic norms of free and informed consent. On December 26, 2023, Thermo Fisher committed to ceasing the sales of Human Identification (HID) products, both direct and to third parties, in the Tibet Autonomous Region (the “TAR”).

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Say No to Confucius Institutes

Confucius Institute threatens academic freedom and free speech. It is controlled by the Chinese Government, and a central part of its soft power plan to improve the global view of China’s authoritarian system. Confucius Institutes aim to censor and silence discussions on important political and human rights issues like Tibet, East Turkestan, Taiwan, Falun Gong and Tiananmen Square. In 18 months, SFT shut down 20+ Confucius Institutes. YOU can take action to close more!

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The Tibet Climate Crisis refers to the rapid rate of climate degradation in Tibet. Tibet is experiencing temperature increases caused by climate change at a rate of three times faster than the global average. Tibet holds the largest reserve of glacial freshwater outside of the North and South Pole with 1 in 5 people in the world relying on Tibet’s rivers for survival.

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Commemorative Dates

Every country marks significant historical dates in its founding as a nation. Regardless of its current political status, Tibet is no exception and Students for a Free Tibet celebrates February 13th as an important day to commemorate Tibet’s independent past and to shape our future for a free and independent Tibet.

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On 10 March 1959, tens of thousands of Tibetans took to the streets of Lhasa, Tibet’s capital, rising up against China’s illegal invasion and occupation of their homeland. Every year thousands of Tibetans and their supporters take to the streets across the world to mark the anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day.

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Trainings and Conferences

Free Tibet! Action Camp is a week-long intensive training in the skills and strategies of nonviolent action and grassroots organizing for the current and future leaders of the movement for Tibetan independence. Camp will give you the skills to be a leader in the movement to free Tibet, and give you the energy to keep doing it for the next ten years!

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SFT holds several regional conferences each year. These 2-3 days trainings give participants an overview of the basic principles of grassroots organizing, non-violent direct action and strategic planning. Conferences are also a great way for our members to connect with other SFT chapters in their region, and to plan for the year ahead.

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